WhatsApp for iPad: WhatsApp, the super popular app, doing great for keeping in touch with friends and family, but it used to be a bit annoying because it didn’t work seamlessly on all your devices. But good news! Lately, WhatsApp has been getting better at this. It started working on computers a while ago, and there’s even a new version for Macs that came out last month. Now, the company behind WhatsApp, Meta, looks like they’re finally going to fix the problem of WhatsApp not working well on iPads.

Previously, there was no official WhatsApp app for iPad, so we use the web version of this app. Now Meta solved this by creating a special WhatsApp version just for iPads.

How WhatsApp For iPad App Enhances Messaging

Exciting news for iPad users! Now, using WhatsApp on your iPad is a breeze, similar to how it works on your Mac. To set it up, just install the app, go to “Linked Devices,” and choose “Link a device.” Scan the QR code, connect to your iPhone, and voila! All your chats come right to your iPad. Now, you can chat seamlessly on your iPhone, iPad, and Mac.

One cool thing is that the iPad app works even if your iPhone is not nearby or on the same Wi-Fi. It’s like magic! The iPad screen has been optimized, showing more stuff in different columns. People started talking about WhatsApp for iPad in 2021, and now it’s finally here!

But, there’s a catch – like the desktop version, the iPad one is a sidekick. You can’t create a new WhatsApp account on it. Still, having an iPad app that shows your phone’s messages is fantastic news for WhatsApp fans who love keeping in touch with friends and family. And guess what? More improvements are on the way to make it even better!

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Availability and Future Updates

As for availability, it’s currently uncertain when WhatsApp for iPad will be accessible to the general public. The beta version is currently available exclusively through TestFlight, and securing access can be challenging due to limited slots. Nevertheless, Meta’s commitment to rolling out a beta version of the app that supports iPad functionality indicates a significant step forward. Additionally, the company seems to be taking steps to comply with the Digital Markets Act (DMA), as beta testers have reported the appearance of a blank screen titled “Third-party chats,” presumably to receive messages from other software. While no official announcement has been made yet, these moves could bring Meta closer to relinquishing its gatekeeper designation in the EU. For those who rely on WhatsApp as their primary means of staying connected, these efforts to enhance compatibility are bound to be a welcome development.


While waiting for the official WhatsApp for iPad release, no worries! You can still grab the current version for iPad for free from the App Store. Keep chatting with your loved ones in the meantime. WhatsApp is making it easy to stay connected, for every device Exciting updates are on the way, so stay tuned for more news on WhatsApp making your messaging experience even better!